Uni update

17 May

I seem to be changing the layout more than writing blog posts. Well that techincally isn’t true as every time I change the layout, I tend to write a post, and then write about changing the layout.

I’ve finished my assignments, I stayed up all night again, I never learn. This time I tried, I really did, to start earlier. I semi tried to start two weeks before the deadline, and then a bit every day but I couldn’t physically do anything. Then there was a week left and I wrote up a detailed outline for one assignment, and a brief one for the other two. Wow, I did a lot of work in that week not.

I had three assignments, two were 4000 words and one was 3000. One of the 4000 words was split into two parts, and the 3000 was less because I’d already done 20% of that module. We had to do a presentation and the marks were out of 20, I found out my results for that the other week and I only got 12/20. I was not impressed. My friends got less, but we were sure we’d all get 15/20 or more. The reason why I did less well as I thought? Well, apparently my slides were over croweded and I didn’t have enough academic references, when other girls who got way more marks than me hadn’t done that either and its not like their presentations were better than ours. One girl had double the marks that my friend had, and she did not do half as well as her, so it really doesn’t make much sense and that meant we had to do a better assignment for that module.

Except well, yeah… I attempted that one first. It took me awhile. I wanted to finish it a few days before the deadline, and I work better at night, but I had work, so that meant I was trying to go to sleep to wake up early for work but worrying about the assignments and wishing I could do that but I was tired and it’d be bad anyway and I needed to wake up early for work. I managed to get it done  but was behind with the other two. So I started those the day before the deadline, territory I’m well used to.

I went to the library most of the day, for five hours and I spent all that time looking for references and writing them down properly etc only to get home and find out I hadn’t sent them to myself. I was freaking out, but luckily my friend was in uni and logged onto my account and sent them to me. I managed to finish the second assignment by about 1am and that’s when I started the two-parter.

As I said above, I stayed up all night, which I usually do and my goal for next time is to finish everything at least the day before, all printed off and actually get some sleep. I finished the first 2000 words by 3am which was really good considering, but the next part we had to make up our own research question. That took awhile and I kept changing my mind and still hadn’t finished by the time my friends arrived to go to uni. I had enough time in the library to write the last 1000 words, but for some reason I thought the second part was 4000 words and freaked out thinking I had 3000 words left to write. Luckily that panic didn’t last long and I managed to finish half an hour before the end of the deadline. Another thing I’ve already done before. However I don’t think I managed to answer the question, which was my own question so that could be bad.

When I left the library it was pouring down too, and soon after I got into the building to hand them in, soaking wet, it stopped raining. Fun. But I did manage to finish and hand them in on time! Who knows about the results, I am very scared. Afterwards we went for food, yummy crepes, and to watch The Back Up Plan and sleep, it was a good sleep but I woke up and the world ended. Well, it was pitch black, David Cameron was in and the phones weren’t working, so almost the end of the world 😛

All that’s left are the exams now. I have two. One of them we have to learn a case study, about a family and learn random stuff to help the family but we don’t know the question. The other exam I have no clue on, its about language and yeah…. have no clue, the most I can do is read through my notes…. so I’m also scared I’ll fail those too. University is so much fun….. *twitch* I suck at being a student I know, but hopefully I won’t fail!


2 May

So… I have to write three assignments in for the 11th. Ones 3,000 words and the other two are 4,000 words… I have done an outline for one… I need to get a move on, instead of writing on here, but like I’ll start, its bed time. Also, you can tell when I have work to do, because I’m writing a post on here instead, when I’ve written one post in the last month. Oops.

Well, even if I start tomorrow with just over a week left, thats better than before, when I’ve left things till the night before! I’ve done two assignments the night before, then three, then one. The last time it took me all night just to do one 4,000 word assignment. So I’m hoping I won’t leave it till last minute again! I don’t think I can cope.

My aim this year is to print them all off the day before, and actually sleep the night before too! I will be in shock if I do!

So… I feel like once I’ve done these, I can live a little. Then revise for two exams, then I’m free for four months! Well except for work, but I won’t be working full time, at least they better not make me!

I have a few things to look forward to, a gig, a beach festival (if work lets me off, already bought the tickets), holiday to Portugal etc I can’t wait. I’m also hoping that I’ll be more creative and get things done, like redecorate my room (meant to last summer), pass my driving theory, and then driving test hopefully and get a car, and go to the beach lots, do lots of fun things like BBQ’s, theme parks etc. This needs to be a good summer. The last two pretty much sucked for me. And on that note I’ll leave, need to tidy my room, change my bed sheets and go to sleep, and its almost midnight. So I have a nice clean room and will wake up early tomorrow to write some damn assignments already!


26 Apr

I haven’t written in over a month and in that time I turned Twenty. It’s a bit weird, I’m not a teen any more, does this mean I have to grow up now? You can’t really do much more when you turn Twenty, next year it’ll be a big one, my 21st, and that means I can drink any where in the world 😛 But oh boy I don’t want to drink anything alcoholic for a long time kthnxbi!

Last year I wrote this “This last year, was meant to be the year I finally start doing things, and I haven’t, I really am a procrastinator and it sucks, so I need to learn to change that, and I guess my 19th year will be the year I do things, like get a job, learn how to drive and actually go on holiday this summer.”

Again, I didn’t really do everything I wanted to, but almost. I got a job, got laid off, but then got another job which I’m still at! I’ve started learning to drive, about 9 months in so will hopefully pass in the summer, need to do my theory soon. I haven’t gone on holiday, but I have booked a holiday with my friends and we’re going to Portugal in July. So those three things haven’t all been crossed off in my 19th year, but they should be in my 20th!

For this years birthday the theme was Animals, and I went as a cat, what else would I be! I left things last minute, like buying a new black dress. I didn’t want to wear the ones I had. I lost count of how many shops I went into, and on my birthday at the last minute in the last shop I found it. I knew it’d be hard to find black dresses since all the summer stuff is out so looked on the sales rack, and in Miss selfridges I found a pretty black polka dotty dress for £7 🙂

I had to go to uni on my birthday, for a two hour lecture, and hour lunch gap then another lecture for an hour. That’s when I quickly went shopping, I was meeting my boyfriend to go to his to drop off stuff and get a bus back in time to have food and do the whole birthday cake thing with my family in time. However we were an hour off schedule, mainly my fault because of the dress!

I got lovely cards and presents off everyone 😀 My mum got me a dragonfly charm bracelet, vouchers, chocolates, spa stuff, book, etc I had a few other vouchers off others, money, jewellery, purses etc and my boyfriend got me this really cool green flowery watch I’d mentioned I liked aaages ago. Birthdays are nice, and Christmas 😛

I had a few friends over, was meant to be more, but people are so hard to organise! I actually bought food and drinks and some people couldn’t make it, others were driving in, others meeting us there since they live in town and trying to find out how many people needed a taxi was exhausting! I don’t like planning stuff, but still lots of people came out in town and most people were animals 🙂

I was bought a lot of drinks, I only bought one myself, and got veeery drunk, resulting in me only going to two places and going home at 1:30am, and then an all day hangover the next day. Not fun! Then it was my friends birthday the day after so we went to a beach BBQ, and my boyfriends friends fund raiser, and I fell asleep as soon as we got back to his, watching TV lol.

Sunday was my mum’s birthday and she had a nice day too, I also had a driving lesson (sucked) and a pub quiz, (we came second!) now its back to uni and work work work! I have less than a month till I’m done with uni for four months! 😀 But ohmahgawd three assignments to do by May the 11th 😦

Sooo now onto bloggy stuff. I’ve had this blog for over TWO years now! Crazy, and it was because of the 101 Mission which I am no where near to completing. I’ve written 80 posts including this one and had 2,547 visitors, mostly because of some lame book reviews I did ages ago, so might write some more of those or… who are we kidding right? I’m not much of a blogger 😛

I know this is a long post but I’ll wrap it up with a this was a good year, but I do hope the next one will be better!

Easter Break

21 Mar

I have a month off Uni and I’m wondering how I’m going to spend it. I’ve basically been busy since November time, when I started my job. My life consists of Uni, work, seeing my boyfriend and trying to fit in seeing friends. My rooms a huge messy tip, I haven’t started any of my uni work and I am behind on mini personal projects.

Now I have a month off I should really catch up on all that. Maybe even watch some TV shows :O I don’t even know what’s on TV any more. I’m hoping I will actually do work, but to do that I need a clean and tidy room, can’t do any work otherwise. It’d be nice if I could also redecorate my room, right now its a deep purple and it’s been the same since I was 15! I’m 20 next month so it’d be nice to change it to turquoise and make it a little bit more grown up, time to get rid of the teddy bears and old posters of indie/rock/emo bands I no longer listen to that much. Also to get rid of all the crap I have, I can’t seem to throw anything away!

I want to see friends too! It’s been really hard to see them lately, everyone has different work/uni schedules or live somewhere else so it’ll be nice to see them. Catching up on projects and my 101 things to do in 1001 days mission are a must when I have time off! And catching up on reading random books, I miss reading.

I am worried about my sleeping pattern though. After years of going to bed really late I’ve finally sorted it out, because of all those early mornings! My only day off was a Tuesday, since I had uni 4 times a week, and worked all weekend (weirdly they’ve given me Sunday off two weeks in a row!), but I’d usually still wake up early to do stuff on Tuesday! But yes, early uni starts, late working shifts, usually on the same day, means I get home and have enough time to eat, get ready for bed and sleep before 1am. I was shocked! Now I’ll probably go back to later nights and waking up early, but hopefully not too much.

So my plans for Easter break in no particular order are to… (and I like my lists of ten so I’ll try again!):

  1. A huge clean out of my room.
  2. Start all of my uni assignments and have at least a rough draft for each module.
  3. Cross off a lot of my 101 mission.
  4. Cross off a lot of Wreck this journal.
  5. Catch up on my One Object 365 Days Project. (Should write a post about that).
  6. Redecorate my bedroom.
  7. See my boyfriend and friends loads.
  8. Start running down the field, its free after all and getting warmer.
  9. Catch up on all films/TV shows/Books I’ve been meaning to watch and read.
  10. Still work at my job too, but not any extra hours, this is a break.

Start afresh

14 Mar

I have decided to start afresh, in a way. I’m not deleting entries, even though I really want to, but I have changed the layout for my blog. I read a post recently on how when a person gets bored of blogging, they’ll change the look of it and it’ll make them want to blog more. I think that’s the same with me. So nice new green layout but I couldn’t be bothered with getting my own picture and I was bored of the one I had  before even though it lasted me awhile. Wow look at me ramble.

I also updated my “About Me” page ’cause geeze was that old! I had that I still lived on campus, had no job, wanted to learn to drive rather than learning to drive, no boyfriend and still had my cat for a few examples of what is different to my life now. I want to go back and change my categories and have lesser tags etc, but I might be just a little bit too lazy for that! They seem to work for now anyways.

I also updated my Mission 101 Project, just needs a little bit more tidied up then I’ll repost it to the major big website because there’s a new system now that I only found out about recently… and its been changed for awhile now! Oops. I have less than a year to finish it and I’m going to try and cross off a few more things by the end of March. There are some really easy ones I could do, I just need to get up off my arse and do them!. Here’s another link for the website (not my list)  just in case you don’t see my links off the side here.

Its a really good project so if you randomly stumble across this, please have a go! Even if you feel like you can’t commit, won’t get them all done etc, don’t worry! I’ve not even done half of my list yet and I have less than a year to go, I have like 311 days left out of the 1001 days! Bit scary but I do always like a deadline more! Not that 311 days is really a deadline but you know.

So hopefully, I’ll get back into blogging and completing all these missions and projects I give myself!

UPDATE! Here’s the link to my uploaded 101 in 1001 days list